
"Dizes-me até amanhã, que tem de ser, que te vais.
Só que amanhã, sabes bem, é sempre longe demais"


O soalho está usado, gasto, velho.
Range para suportar.
A poeira esconde a idade e mostra o tempo
de profundo isolamento e quietude.
Toda a poeira pousou, isolou as fendas.
Tapou as feridas.
Limpou o ar.
Escondeu o pavimento, e agora...
Quando me levantar
não vou ter a cruel certeza de saber onde vou pisar.
Durante algum tempo
de tanto correr
o ar poeirento e enevoado
turvou a minha visão.
Pensei eu que te via
Senti eu que eras Bela.
Mas ontem...
Saí da cama lentamente, caminhei
saí do quarto, quadrado
sem levantar um grão.
Encontrei-te ao fim do dia
o sol horizontal iluminava-te redondo
Mas ontem...


"Pensar é fácil. Agir é difícil.
Agir conforme o que pensamos, isso ainda o é mais "
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



I lost myself on a cool damp night
Gave myself in that misty light
Was hypnotized by a strange delight
Under a lilac tree

I made wine from the lilac tree
Put my heart in its recipe
It makes me see what I want to see
And be what I want to be

When I think more than I want to think
Do things I never should do
I drink much more that I ought to drink
Because it brings me back you

Lilac wine is sweet and heady, like my love
Lilac wine, I feel unsteady, like my love

Listen to me... I cannot see clearly
Isn’t that she coming to me nearly here?

Lilac wine is sweet and heady where's my love
Lilac wine, I feel unsteady, where's my love

Listen to me, why is everything so hazy
Isn’t that she, or am I just going crazy, dear

Lilac wine, I feel unready for my love


A Diferença que um dia faz, 24 pequenas horas.Este filme, achava eu que já o tinha visto, e na verdade já tinha olhado para ele, ontem é que o vi realmente, finalmente, absolutamente, dentro da minha capaciade actual de observar e absorver. Tenho a certeza que noutra altura, quando e rever, ainda vou ver mais coisas. É magnifico!

"He Zhiwu, Cop 223: At the high point of our intimacy, we were just 0.01cm from each other. I knew nothing about her. Six hours later, she fell in love with another man."


Só Poupava mais energia... se não tivesse feito este post.

9.10 minutos de FETICH.

Dita Von Teese


"Humbert: life is very short.
Between here and that old car outside are 25 paces
Make them, now, right now.
Come away with me now, just as you are.
Lolita: You mean you'll give us the money only if i go to a hotel with you?
Humbert: No, you've got it all wrong.
I want you to leave your husband and this awful house.
I want you to live with me and die with me and everything with me.
Lolita: You must be crazy.
Humbert: no, I’m perfectly serious, Lo. I've never been less crazy in all my life.
we'll start afresh. We can forget everything that has happened.
Lolita: No, it's too late.
Humbert: No, it's not too late.
Lolita: Keep your voice down.
Humbert: don't tell me it's too late, because it's not.
If you want time to think, that's all right because.
I’ve waited already for three years and I can wait for the rest of my life if necessary.
You're not giving anything up, there's nothing here to keep you.
All right, this man is married to you, but that's purely incidental.
It was an accident that you met him in the first place.
You're not bound to him, where as you are bound to me by everything that we have lived through together, you and I.
Lolita: I’m going to have his baby in three months.
Humbert: I know.
Lolita: I’ve ruined too many things in my life.
I can't do that to him, he needs me.
come on now, don't make a scene.
stop crying! He can walk in here at any minute.
will you please stop crying?
Humbert: There are no strings attached it's your money anyway it comes from the rent of the house. there's $400 in cash.
Lolita: four hundred dollars!!
Humbert: I’ve made out a check here for $2,500.
Lolita: $2,500
Humbert: there's someone in Ramsdale who's prepared to take care of the mortgages on the house and make a down payment of $10,000. Here's the papers
Lolita: you mean we're getting $13,000?
that's wonderful!
come on now, don't cry.
I’m sorry.
try to understand.
I’m really sorry that I cheated so much but I guess that's just the way things are.
where are you going?
Listen!! Let's keep in touch.
I’ll write to you when we get to Alaska."


Não Penses, Imagina!

Uma ervilha chamada Rita, apresentou-me uma Basia...

e agora eu imagino uma história da Basia em Beirut...